
Equip to Engage has partnered with Church of the Nazarene USA/Canada to create FREE resources for Children's Ministry.

For more information, contact us.


B.L.E.S.S. is a 6-week series created in the Wesleyan theological tradition. This new series from the Church of the Nazarene was created in partnership with Equip to Engage and The Kidmin Creatives. It is designed to help kids learn how to bless their community in meaningful ways. In addition, this series can (but is not required to) accompany a corresponding adult sermon series.

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Half Million Mobilization - Blessing Our Community

Half Million Mobilization is a prayer journey from Easter Sunday through Pentecost Sunday created by the Church of the Nazarene in partnership with Equip to Engage and The Kidmin Creatives. These family resources are daily devotions and service projects to remind us of our desire to bless our community, available in English and Spanish. In addition, these resources can (but are not required to) accompany corresponding resources for adults. 

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Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Contact us for more information.